The 23rd exhibition of the achievements of research, technology and technical market of Ardabil province was opened in 1401 with the presence of the deputy coordinator of economic affairs of the governor and the governor of Ardabil and the directors of the executive bodies and the presidents of the universities of the province. Knowledge-based companies and technology units and executive bodies of the province started holding the research and technology week of Ardabil province with the speech of Dr. Abbaspour, the head of the science and technology park of the province, and Dr. Chamani, the head of Mohaghegh Ardabili University and deputy of the headquarters.

Dr. Abbas Pour, head of Ardabil Science and Technology Park, referring to the importance of holding an exhibition in presenting the latest research and technology achievements of technological units and knowledge-based companies of the province, said: This exhibition is with the efforts of the science and technology park of the province in four sections consisting of knowledge-based companies. , technological units, academic and research centers and executive bodies are being held. The head of Ardabil Science and Technology Park added: In this exhibition, more than 36 booths have been designed, in which more than 100 technology units and knowledge-based companies are located. More than 40 technological units and knowledge-based companies are present in the booth related to the science and technology park of the province, and these companies and units, along with the park complex, play a significant role in the economic discourse of the province.
He went on to set up this exhibition, which is a turning point for displaying the power and capacity of researchers and technologists in universities, scientific and research centers and science and technology parks, and added: the 23rd exhibition of research, technology and technical achievements of Fasat province. It is important that elite and talented young people and owners of ideas present their research and technological achievements to the audience and guide their future activities and innovations by considering the market demand trend. Also, this exhibition is a golden opportunity for all the investors and industry sector of the country to be able to share their technological needs with technological units. In order to solve the problems and remove the obstacles facing the technology units and knowledge-based companies, Dr. Abbas Pour said: Last week, a team from the country's Research and Innovation Fund visited the science and technology park and held various meetings with the companies. Knowledge-based companies have approved 300 billion Rials of facilities for the knowledge-based companies of the province and Park, and the respected colleagues of the research and technology fund of the province are preparing contracts for the provision of facilities.

He further pointed to the legal support of the Park for technological units and knowledge-based companies and stated: the facility with a very good amount is considered from Paragraph A of Note 16 of the Budget Law of 1401 in the form of national and provincial credits, which, God willing, in The format of low-cost facilities will be available to technology units. The head of the park pointed to the provision of suitable space and platform for the activities of technology units, which is the main concern of the technological ecosystem of the province, and continued: In connection with the development of the working space of technology units and knowledge-based companies, Science and Technology Park was fortunately able to obtain an Article 23 permit last week. The purpose of providing space for research and technology in the country's program and budget organization is to reach the final approval that, God willing, the financing of this project will be done through the country's budget program organization, and the approval of this article will lead to the expansion of 5000 square meters of work space for the activities of technologists and knowledge companies. will be based
In the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Dr. Chamani, the deputy of the research and technology week of the province, pointed to the programs of the research and technology week and said: The research and technology week will be held in Ardabil province at the same time as the whole country. He stated: The most important programs during the research week are: the research bell ceremony with the presence of provincial officials and school benefactors, holding an exhibition of research and technology achievements and market technology and unveiling new achievements with an entrepreneurial and skill-learning approach, holding a festival celebrating Winners of the province's research and technology, holding a student festival and honoring research and technology students, holding specialized meetings and scientific research seminars, holding seminars to identify the research and technology needs of the province, meeting with elites and scientific pioneers, inventors and technologists of the province, holding tours A study to visit the mining and research academic centers of the province, strengthening the relationship between industry and society with universities, strengthening and supporting domestic producers, are among the most important programs of this week.

He stated: Exhibitions of research and technology capabilities create vitality and dynamism in the society and bring self-belief in the society. It is the province's technology ecosystem that requires the efforts of all executive bodies so that the province's economy can undergo comprehensive development. He pointed to the placement of Mohaghegh University in the 17th rank among the country's universities based on the latest ISC ranking, and the placement of 4 faculty members and one graduate student among the 1% most cited researchers in the world and continued: scientific resurrection in Our country has started in the last two decades and thanks to God, we are in the top position among 57 Islamic countries in terms of citations and the second position in terms of publications and scientific productions. The president of Mohaghegh Ardabili University and deputy of the research and technology week headquarters continued: We have scientific growth 11 times the speed of science growth in the world and we are in the 16th place among 200 countries in terms of science in the fields of nuclear, stem cells and drones. We have a maker in the world